9 Ogos 2023
Sesi lawatan tapak telah diadakan di kilang Hui Hong Yuan (HHY) Petroleum Sdn Bhd. bersama Datuk Shamsul Ambia bin Abdul Aziz, Setiausaha Bahagian UPEN dan Tuan Jaibalan Hairirajan, Pengarah MIDA Melaka, bagi membantu dalam menangani isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan kilang tersebut.
A site visit was conducted at the Hui Hong Yuan (HHY) Petroleum Sdn Bhd factory, accompanied by Datuk Shamsul Ambia bin Abdul Aziz, the Division Secretary of UPEN , and Tuan Jaibalan Hairirajan, the Director of MIDA Melaka, with the purpose of assisting in addressing issues pertaining to the said refinery.