Invest Melaka Berhad

Business Enquiry Form

Business Enquiry Form

I. Company Information

II. Nature of Business

Total of Company Investment (as at 2022) =

Product market

Example : Malaysia, China, Korea

III. Chief Executive Information

IV. Investment Query

Service Required
Quarter _____ Year 20_____
Quarter _____ Year 20_____
(Break down the project into clear phases and provide timelines for each phase)

IV. Planned Land and Building Requirement

Liter/ Day
(Identify your target customer demographics and the market segments you aim to serve)
(Provide insights into your import and export plans, including any international trade partnerships)
(Detail the workforce you will require and your hiring plans.)
(Clearly outline the specific support or assistance you anticipate from Invest Melaka to successfully realize your project.)

VI. Others

Maximum file size: 20MB

Company Profile : Please share a comprehensive overview of your company, including its history, mission, and core business activities. (rar, zip, pdf or pptx file only)

Final Acknowledgment and Consent:

I, the undersigned applicant, confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. I grant your company permission to use this information for business inquiries and subsequent communication with me. I also consent to the sharing of this information with relevant government entities or third parties for the purpose of processing the investment inquiry. I understand that my data will be handled in accordance with applicable laws and privacy policies. I acknowledge your company's right to modify or delete my submitted information. I retain the right to request access, correction, or deletion of my personal data. In the event of any incomplete submission of information, I understand and acknowledge that Invest Melaka Berhad reserves the right not to process my application until all required details are provided in accordance with the established procedures. By signing below, I agree to all the terms and conditions stated herein.
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: 12ke Oct 2023 (Thursday)


: 1.45 pm – 4.00 pm


: Ballroom, Courtyard by Marriott

Entrance fee

: RM 150 (JCI Natcon Delegates FOC)


Invest Melaka Berhad (IMB) in collaboration with State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) Melaka and Malaysia Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) will organise Melaka Investment Day 2023 (MID 2023) which is scheduled to take place on 12th October 2023 in conjunction with Smart Melaka International Conference and Expo 2023 (SMIX2023).

Tuan / Puan,

Kami berbesar hati untuk menjemput satu (1) orang wakil daripada Syarikat anda untuk menghadiri Program Dialog kami dengan Penghantar & Pengilang Melaka pada masa akan datang. Perkhidmatan Pengumpan Kontena dari Pelabuhan Tanjung Bruas (TBP) ke Pelabuhan Klang dan sebaliknya seperti butiran di bawah:

Perkhidmatan Pengumpan Kontena dari Pelabuhan Tanjung Bruas (TBP) ke Pelabuhan Klang dan sebaliknya seperti butiran di bawah:

Tempat : Auditorium (Tahap 1), Pusat Perdagangan dan Konvensyen Antarabangsa Melaka (MITC), Ayer Keroh

  • Tarikh : 14ke Ogos 2023, Isnin
  • Masa : 10.00 pagi hingga 1.00 petang

Sila RSVP melalui e-mel balas kepada sebelum 4ke Ogos 2023.