Melaka Invest
Doing Business
First Step Doing Business
The investors in Melaka are assured to enjoy incentives provided by federal government.
Incentives by the state government.
- Free hold land
- Discount on PKNM land price
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The investors in Melaka are assured to enjoy incentives provided by the state and federal government.
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The investors in Melaka are assured to enjoy incentives provided by the state and federal government.
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Building Plan Approval
Flowchart for Building Plan Approval
Melaka State Development Corporation acts as the secretariat for Industrial Building Plan Approval. This committee expedites the process of industrial building plan approval. The meeting held once in a month but any special cases can be arrange a special meeting.
- Meeting – once in a month
- Approval – 1 month after meeting (only if all technical requirement are comply)
- Special meeting can be arrange depends on the case basis